Friday, March 19, 2004

Today's Word: Roll

We rolled in on a green wave that sparkled at the edges where sunlight drizzled it with shine. The longboat bumped against the beach -- slid a bit on the sand making a gritty swooshing sound -- then came to a restive stop, seeming eager to be about its voyage; annoyed at this forray onto dry land. Men debarked, forced the bow higher onto the beach with stout ropes and stout arms, dragging it inches then feet, assuring the ocean wouldn't take hold of our ship and suck it into void. Savages appeared. First among the nearby green vines, then high up on the only hill, among the thick-plated trees there, seeming for all the world like monkeys, the way they took to the upper canopy. We burned them out of their havens, took their heads for trophies and some of us even ate of a few. Even their taste was savage.

-- david j.

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