Monday, September 06, 2004

Today's Word: Stupid

Below is an email I received this afternoon. It is an example of pure stupidity. This is a message to all criminal minds planning to commit some crime that involves convincing your fellow human beings that you are affiliated with a professional organization: LEARN TO SPELL AND USE PROPER GRAMMAR. Commucation is key to crime.

WARNING: This is obviously NOT an authentic letter from Yahoo! But, just in case someone reads this and decides they should send the criminals behind it their PINs, I have removed the fake weblink at the end of the email.

Dear Yahoo! Member,
We are pleased to announce you that our Yahoo! Wallet has been improovedand that from now security will be our number one priority. As part of ournew upgrade you will be requested for a PIN verification for your creditcard. We are doing this because of the number of fraudulent transactionsvia our servers has increased dramatically and we are taking measures thatthis will not happen from now on.
Your PIN verification will be necesary for only one of your credit cards.Failure in making your verification will lead to suspending all servicesthat request Yahoo! Wallet. You can start this process by clicking the linkbelow. Your information will be sent via our 128 bits encrypted connectionand you can rest assured that this information will not be shared to any thirdparty.
Click here to go login to your Yahoo!

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